28. Quiz: A* Search 4

A* Search 4

Path Path Cost (g) Est. Distance (h) Total (f)
Arad >> Zerind 75 374 449
Arad >> Sibiu >> Oradea 291 380 671
Arad >> Sibiu >> Fagaras >> Bucharest 450 0 450
Arad >> Sibiu >> Rimnicu Vilcea >> Pitesti >> Bucharest 418 0 418
Arad >> Sibiu >> Rimnicu Vilcea >> Craiova 366 160 526
Arad >> Timisoara 118 329 447

There are no additional paths with lower totals, so the path with \large f of 418 is our shortest path.

A* Search 4 Quiz

Will A* always find the shortest cost path?

SOLUTION: No, it depends on the heuristic estimate function h